SLYSA's Fall League Timeline

SLYSA’s league application for fall 2015 is now closed. Over 790 teams have signed up to play in our biggest league ever. We will play more games than ever on synthetic turf this coming season with 3 new soccer turf fields at Sportport and 4 new turf fields as Lou Fusz Soccer Complex. SLYSA will also host more SLYSA leage games at the SLYSA complex in St. Charles on some of the best natural grass fields in the area.





List of applied teams

Here is the timeline for fall 2015:

5/22 Post Application
6/26 Application Deadline
6/29-7/2 Office Ranking
7/2 Rankings sent to Directors/Coaches
7/8 Boys & Girls Committee Meets for Bracketing
7/10 Conflicts dates due / Drop deadline
7/13-7/31 Scheduling
7/31 Post schedule
8/15 League Begins
8/28 League Fee Payments Due
12/6 League Ends

If you have any questions, please email  or contact the office at 636-305-9849.

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